Monday 2 December 2013

Bulgur salad

So this week I decided to make a bulgur salad! I've never really liked bulgur very much, but this salad made me completely change my mind! It's a very easy salad to make, it doesn't take much time to do and the only thing you need to cook is the bulgur. And another great thing about this salad is that you can put your favorite vegetables in it. And even if there's a vegetable you don't really like you can't really taste it if it’s in the salad, well that's at least what I think! For example, I don't like peas, but I don't feel the taste of them when they're in the salad. This salad is served with a homemade mustard dressing.
This recipe makes a big salad (about 6-8 servings), so you can eat lovely leftovers the next day.
I couldn't find a photo of this recipe's bulgur salad,
but here's one very similar bulgur salad.
All that's different is that I had baby spinach and tofu in it,
but no lettuce or broccoli.
As you hopefully can tell- you can vary the recipes a lot!
This is what you will need:
3dl (1.2 cup) uncooked bulgur (if you really dislike bulgur, use pasta and make it a pasta salad instead)
1 container with corn
3-4 lettuce leaves
1 bell pepper
1/2 container olives
Around 10 cocktail tomatoes
1/2 cucumber
1 can kidney beans
6-8 sun dried tomatoes
2 1/2dl (1 cup) peas
2 1/2 (1 cup) cup broccoli (
cooked) 1 red onion 
For the mustard dressing:
3/4dl (0.3 cup)oil (perhaps olive oil)
1/4dl vinegar
2 tbsp mustard
1 tbsp sugar
A pinch salt and pepper if you want
Alrighty then, let’s get started! Cook the bulgur recording to the instructions on the back of the package. Meanwhile, you can wash the cocktail tomatoes and cut them in halves. Wash and rinse the cucumber and dice it. Put the cocktail tomatoes and the diced cucumber into a big bowl.
Depending on how fast you work, the bulgur might be done by now.Take the bulgur off the heat and steer in it with a ladle to help it cool down.
Now take the sundried tomatoes and cut them into a size of your choice and put them in the bowl. Mince the red onion, chop the bell pepper, roughly chop the lettuce and put it in the bowl together with the peas, the corn, the olives and the beans (I like to rinse them in a colander first). Add the bulgur to the bowl and mix it with the other ingredients. Put the bowl with your salad in your refrigerator and wait for it to cool down.
While you wait for your salad to cool down, it’s time to make the dressing! Put the mustard, the oil and the vinegar in a small bowl and stir with a spoon. Add the water and the sugar to the mix and mix thoroughly. Taste and see if you want to add some salt and pepper, I usually don’t add salt and pepper but you might want to.

When the salad is cool it’s just to serve with some dressing. Enjoy!

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